"There are no physical climate controls aside from the front and rear defrost, which are regulatorily required" -- Are you sure about this?

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FMVSS 101 addresses the controls and telltales that are required to be in an automobile.

I believe companies self-certify on this, so they are able to interpret differently but the standard says a control is a "hand-operated part of a device that enables the driver to change the state or functioning of the vehicle or a vehicle subsystem." In other words, a button or lever or whatever.

Among other things, hazard lights, windshield wipers, windshield washers, front defrost and rear defrost all require a "control."

Here's the relevant reg: https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-49/subtitle-B/chapter-V/part-571/subpart-B/section-571.101

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Hmm. FMVSS 101 does not say that Tesla is exempt from this. What gives?

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Mercedes agrees with Tesla. I’m in a GLC right now and it has perma-digital buttons for defrost.

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This is what I was talking about re companies interpreting this differently.

If the “control” is on a digital screen, is that okay? Yeah, probably. At least until the govt says otherwise.

It certainly should be. Also, GM is now selling cars with no physical headlight control; those are on Auto by default and then there are digital controls you can access to turn them off entirely if you wish.

I think Tesla was just pushing the limits and now everyone else is following them. Does it surprise you that traditional OEMs (especially the Germans!) would be particularly pedantic about following the rules?

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All I want is my favorite kind of cockpit: https://photos.app.goo.gl/yvJrjJTzNPRDgTKF7

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My 2016 Volvo V60 is not far off that. There's a full number-pad for dialing phone numbers!

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